Design a School Field Trip Project Based Learning and persuade us to come visit it! The ultimate goal for this activity is to grow your students creativity and to help them with their persuasive writing skills. My students enjoyed these design tasks and seeing their final outcomes was so exciting. All pages are in black & white options.
I have provided several options of pages and activities, you pick and choose what will work for your students.
- Print and digital format included: The slides are NOT editable, they are embedded into the background, they have text boxes for students to type into.
- Student Goal: Your ultimate task is to persuade people to want to come to your school field trip. Your final task will be to create an advertisement flipbook and a persuasive writing activity.
- Clickable Table of Contents
- Student checklist pages
Design a School Field Trip Project Based Learning Planning Pages:
- Field Trip Destination & Appearance
- Field Trip Location On The Map
- Field Trip Key Info (Cost Of Trip, Grades Attending)
- Field Trip T-shirt Design
- Popular Activities
- Field Trip Information
- Transportation & Lunch Plans
- Schedule Of Events
- A Day In The Life On The Field Trip
- Persuasive Advertisement
- Persuasive Writing Planning And Writing
- All About My Field Trip Writing
- Advertisement Flipbook
- All About My Field Trip Teach-go Pennant
Writing Activities/ Persuasive Writing Activity:
- persuasive advertisement
- persuasive writing planning and writing
- all about my school field trip
Final Project Activities and Display:
- Advertisement flipbook
- All about my school field trip Teach-go pennant
- classroom literacy writing groups
- early finisher projects
- homework writing assignments
- collaborative writing
- extensions for GT, or accelerated learners
- substitute activities
- and much more!
Kindly Note: This product is NOT Editable and in English Only. Please Preview. If you have questions do not hesitate in emailing me at: Ladybug Shop Email
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All rights reserved by Jacqueline Ortiz ©The Little Ladybug Shop. This product is to be used by the original downloader ONLY. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY.